Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Pregnancy and vaginal infection.

I am 24 weeks early in the pregnancy I was diagnosed with a Yeast Infection. I treated it with Monostat 3. For a couple of weeks I feel like I may have one again, because I have severe vaginal itching and discomfort. Today I've experienced some sharp vaginal pains and noticed a slight trace of a brownish discharge on my underwear. Does this sound like a possible bacterial infection or something more serious? I am a little scared.

As a nurse midwife I will tell you not to mess around with any sort of vaginal discharge, vaginal cramps and brown discharge. Looking at the time of this posting it is late and I suggest first thing in the morning you call your OBGYN provider and been examined tomorrow, unless you currently have vaginal cramps during the night then I would call now and make arrangements to been seen tonight.

The fact that your are itching is good as it means you have a vaginal infection and the brown discharge is old blood due to irritation from the vaginal or the neck of the womb. The cramping is worrying as if the infection is very severe and causing internal neck of the womb irritation, it could cause your cervix to dilate and go into pre term labor. This you do not want to happen.
Vaginal itching can occur from a few different types of infections so do not self medicate during pregnancy. Your OBGYN provider is the only one who can accurately evaluate, diagnose and treat your specific infection.

Try to stop worrying and get some sleep. For now my advice is to be excited and welcome this baby into the world as everything we think, say or do effects out unborn child. So be positive, be happy and reassure your baby.

If this post was meaningful to you then visit http://www.pregnancysuccesscoach.com/ for a free gift guiding you through your pregnancy.

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