Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Pregnant, emotional, scared i am going crazy.

Hello everyone, my name is Jaime I am 30 years old and prego with my third child (not planned) I have a 11 yo girl and a 2 yo boy... in my thinking I was good with, however someone had different plans for myself and my body it seems .. so here i am! This pregnancy has been like a horror movie since the day I found out.. I had a AWESOME job making good money, then all the sudden I got very ill in my first trimester.. needing to be in the hospital for at least 2 out of the first 3 months. I would go in, they would keep me for 4-5 days, let me out.. only to have me completely dehydrate and have to go back in. Needless to say I lost my job. After the sickness started to settle.. my dear aunt whom I was very close to passed away very suddenly, then 4 weeks later.. my grandmother whom i lived with my whole life passed as well. OK so now we have 3 months of total sickness, followed by two close deaths in the family... oh and the lost job....well on top of all of that I AM JUST SCARED!!!!!!!!!

I have not felt ANY connection to this pregnancy once so ever, maybe once in a while when I feel her move I get the ahhh feeling but not so much. My husband and I have NOT been getting along at all!!! I just feel no connection to anyone... I feel completely alone and scared, and I dont know where it is all coming from. I know emotions run high during pregnancy but this is OUT OF CONTROL... I dont know if I am pushing everyone away and just assumming they don't care or if in fact they don't !!!! I feel the worse for my two other children my daughter especially .. she gets the brunt of the anger and frustration, and although she is a preteen and drives me slightly insane with the head and neck for the most part she really does try to help out, but I get so frustrated with her so quickly!!There is just so much to this whole situation but the main problem is I AM PREGNANT AND FEEL CRAZY... I Cry nonstop, I feel like the whole world is against me, and I have NO ONE.. Not to mention I have this overwhelming fear of dying from this childbirth. WHAT IS GOING ON.????... I just want to feel and look normal again. If this continues I am certain something horrible is going to happen.any ideas please let me know.thank you and sorry for the long post.

It is always great to vent. I have the perfect gift to give you that will bring a lot of comfort to you during pregnancy. It is my book Birth, A Conscious Choice. It is a unique and easy to read book gives amazing insights into what birth is like from the baby’s point of view. It follows the path of the child on their journey from the world of spirit through conception and birth and explains the physical and energetic changes a woman must make to facilitate this incredible process. It also offers surprising insight and understanding about infertility, miscarriage and adoption.
Learn why pregnancy is easy for some while difficult for others.
How to increase support from family and friends during your pregnancy and after delivery.
Contains a step by step guide to easing grief following a miscarriage.
Discover the process a baby undergoes to select his or her parents via natural conception, IVF or adoption.
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