Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Pregnancy and fibroids

I am in the first trimester and when they did an early ultrasound (61/2 weeks) they noticed that I have two fibroid tumors. The Doctors and everyone keeps saying they are "Normal", but is there someone else out there that has had even one when they are pregnant? This is my first pregnancy, I have never known that I had them and I am wondering what will occur during the pregnancy because of them?

The doctor has stated that they are away from the baby and I am 10 weeks now and they are also growing. Anyone who I explain this to again states it is common and I ask them if they had them during their pregancy and I have not been told yes yet. I would appreciate any information, when I look it up opn the computer it just gives me the basics and I would like to know if somone who had them could help. I know every preganacy is different but I already feel more pressure than usual (not sure b/c 1st pregnancy). I didn't have much pressure and was not showing and in a week there is a lot of pressure and my stomach is begining to stick out. THANKS IN ADVANCE TO ANYONE WHO CAN HELP!!!

I am a nurse midwife and have specialized in high-risk pregnancies for over twenty years. I have taken care of several women with fibroids ranging for the size of grapes to big grapefruits.
Please do not worry many times the fibroids grow initially in pregnancy and then stop. Sometimes they grow and your body and baby just accommodate them. The fact that you are ten weeks is too early to be so worried. Everything you think, say and do effects the emotions of your unborn child.
It is normal for you to have a bit more pressure if the fibroids are big. A good question to ask your doctor in the morning on the phone is exactly what size they are. If they are smaller than an apple then stop worrying.
Worrying during pregnancy is not a good thing. Your baby is very sensitive to your emotions and your thoughts. I am for a limited time only, I am giving away e-copies of my amazing book that is perfect for women trying to get pregnant or pregnant. Come visit and get your copy. You will be fascinated by the information in it.

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