Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Pregnancy and leaking breasts.

I am 30 weeks pregnant and have started leaking from my breasts. It's not a lot, but enough that I noticed. It ranges from clear, to white, to yellowish. Is it normal to leak already? i have heard of this right before giving birth, but not at 30 weeks. I am already at high-risk for pre-term labor, is this a sign that I will deliver early?

Please do not worry. Leaking from the breasts during pregnancy is normal. You are producing a lot of pregnancy hormones and sometimes your breasts are stimulated to produce cholostrum (the name for the first form of milk). Some women leak when they have a lot of breast stimulation by their partners.
If you bra starts to become soiled then buy some breast pads for the baby supply store to catch the excess and save yourself embarrassing situations.
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