Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Pregnancy placenta previa

What brings you to the high risk board? I was cramping the last 2 days and didnt think anything of it because I wasnt bleeding, but then it started. I was spotting and I went to see my OB on an emergency visit, and he did an u/s and saw that the placenta is underneath 'Raspberry' and that I have Placenta Previa. How are you feeling about things? Im a little scared because I dont know what to expect. I dont want to stress myself over this but I really hope this fixes itself. How many weeks where you when you got your diagnosis. 18w4d

A question you should ask your doctor is " where exactly is my placenta located? Does it cover the entire neck of the womb ( cervix)?" You are still early in pregnancy and if you placenta is not covering the entire neck of the womb then as your womb grows it may grow to the side. If it is covering the entire neck of the womb or cervix then you are certainly high risk for hemorrhage as you womb grows.

I have managed many women with placenta previa and because we as health care providers know your risk factor we take extra caution with you.

For now my advise is not to have any sex for the pregnancy as you do not want to stimulate bleeding and if the spotting continues rest in bed.

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