Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Pregnancy and miscarriage.

Well where shall i start 2 weeks ago i was taken into hospital due to bleeding and was told i had a miscarriage....The 2 days after that i had a internal scan and there was a feotus heartbeat :s (which is obviously really good)And then today i had to go hospital again due to stomach pains whats is going on???Can someone please help as im so scared that ill go to my next scan and there not be a heartbeat i know i shoud think positively but its just so hard !!!
First of all calm down, take some deep breaths and let nature take its course. It is not unusual to have cramps early in pregnancy as your uterus is growing. It is certainly an indication that your should take it easy.

Very early ultrasounds are tricky. The results of your ultrasound depends on the exact weeks and days since your last period and on how full your bladder is and to give the ultrasound technician a good view. If you are six weeks pregnant there will be a heartbeat. A five week and 5 days ultrasound there may not be a heartbeat so.
So the last ultrasound said you have a viable pregnancy so keep your mind focused on this. Did they do an ultrasound today?

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