Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Healthy Pregnancy Is What Every Pregnant Woman Wants. Tips On What You Can Do To Have A Healthy Pregnancy.

Under normal pregnancy circumstances, about 25% of woman are going to miscarry, or lose their baby, within the first twelve weeks of pregnancy. Read on to see what you can do to prevent this happening to you and have a healthy pregnancy.

Having a healthy pregnancy starts with preparing your body for this incredible cycle of pregnancy well before you become pregnant. A defective egg or sperm has a huge part to play in the reason why so many women miscarry. Defective eggs or sperms are a direct result of insufficient vitamins, minerals and antioxidants in the body.

Healthy pregnancy preparation will reduce your risk of congenital abnormalities, miscarriages and going into labor early. Pregnancy is far more than a physical process that happens to a woman. It has an incredible mental, emotional, spiritual and energetic side to it. In order to have a healthy pregnancy you must embrace pregnancy from a holistic body, mind, and spirit perspective.

Eat healthy:
If you have just found out you are pregnant and want to have a healthy pregnancy then you must start with eating very healthier. Be very conscious to make sure you include fruit and vegetables and high protein foods into your diet and eating three meals a day. Pregnancy does not require that you eat for two, but does require that you are very conscious about the quality of food you eat, making sure the food you eat for your baby is of high quality and nutritious.

Set up your prenatal appointment:
Having a healthy pregnancy also includes early prenatal care. As soon as you know you are pregnant, set up your appointment with your doctor or midwife.

Start multivitamins and minerals:
As soon as you know you are pregnant start taking a multivitamin plus an extra folic acid (400 micrograms) until you obtain your prescription for your prenatal vitamins. Many multivitamins and prenatal vitamins do not contain all the minerals that are required on a daily basis to maintain optimal health. Also add a good quality mineral to your pre natal vitamins. Minerals are the building blocks for a healthy pregnancy.

Prevent dehydration:
Having a healthy pregnancy requires that you prevent dehydration. Drink at least eight to ten glasses of water every day. A dehydrated body can cause pregnancy complications. Pregnancy requires extra water intake as by the time you are thirty four weeks pregnant your blood volume will have increased by forty percent.

Start exercising:
Healthy pregnancy requires that you adjust your body to all the necessary changes that are needed to grow a healthy baby. Exercise will help increase your body stamina. If your are not used to exercising, then start doing a little bit of walking even if it is for 10 minutes everyday. If you exercise regularly continue your exercise program as long as you do not become breathless. Shortness of breath reduces the oxygen supply to your baby and is not conducive to a healthy pregnancy.

Pregnancy is much more than a physical process. Embracing pregnancy from the mind, body and spirit prospective will enhance your possibility of having a healthy pregnancy. What can you do regarding the aspect of the mind to help you have a healthy pregnancy? Everything that you think, say, and do during your pregnancy has a profound effect on your unborn child for life. Every time you think a positive thought, your baby is going to pick up that information from you and end up been a very positive person. Worrying and complaining during your pregnancy will feed your baby negative thoughts. You might have a healthy pregnancy but with an emotionally scarred baby.

It is very important for your baby to be mindful of what you say, do, and think during your pregnancy. Learn how to connect and communicate with the emotions of your unborn child to have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby. Generally, the more you are informed and educated about all the dynamics of pregnancy, the likelihood is that you will have a healthier pregnancy outcome and a healthier baby.

Learn more how you can communicate with the emotions of your unborn child and pick up a FREE GIFT to support you during your pregnancy visit click on http://www.PregnancySuccessCoach.com

1 comment:

Kirsty said...

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